Road Static

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2014 Stingray, First Impressions

stingray1Corvette news is usually pretty bland, although today it seems everywhere I turn people are excitedly talking about the new Corvette Stingray. Over the past few decades the Corvette seems to have lulled us into a false sense of “meh”. I say “meh” because that’s what I’ve greeted the last few Corvettes redesigns with. You see the Corvette has never been a bad car, it’s never been a supercar, and as the Camaro’s, Firebirds, and Vipers come and go the Corvette has held strong as the staple American sports car. It’s been so solid for so long we just expect Chevrolet to turn out a good sports car every year. It’s great to know we are never let down, but at the same time I want to be impressed. Continue reading

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Follow Road Static On Pinterest

If you want a quick fix of Road Static then follow me on Pinterest. You can get updates on all the photos I post or just follow certain manufacturers, your choice. You won’t be able to see them in glorious high resolution but it’s a quick and easy way to stay connected.


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Dean Walton – Top 5 Movie Cars

A while ago I posted on Dean Walton’s amazing “Iconic Racing” print series. Dean shows how one simple line can describe a car in such detail and take us back to that defining moment in racing history. As a huge Back to the Future nerd I was excited to see Doc Brown’s Delorean in his latest series, “Top 5 Movie Cars“. The Back to the Future, 007, and Bullet prints look amazing and the rest aren’t bad either. For any other Back to the Future fans out there, Dean also has a great set on the Hill Valley Clock Towers. Take a look and pick one up if you’ve got the money!

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The New Subaru STi… Is a Forester?

When you think STi the image of an Impreza instantly comes to mind. Well the folks at Subaru are considering the addition of the Forester to the STi team. Before you get too excited I should give you the bad news, the all new Forester tS will only be available in Russia. For now Russia is a test market for the tS but I guess you have to start somewhere. I’m hoping this is the first step in spreading STi performance to the rest of the Subaru brand.

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$1.7 Million Well Spent

The Ferrari 599 is a car built for a pretty limited clientele. The 599XX Evo, well that’s even more limited. Google exec Benjamin Sloss dropped $1.7 million  and just took delivery of his at the Italian Grand Prix. Now before you get bent out of shape and whine about why a Google exec needs a car like that, the tall stack of cash he put down went to charity to help victims of the recent Italian earthquakes. So you give money to help countless families who are struggling after a natural disaster and Ferrari gives you one of the baddest cars they’ve ever built. Sounds like a good trade to me.

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